Release Date: 12 November 2021 Release Type: Shoes, tights and socks Character Heel: No Bauble Bestie£14936 To 434125-30a Fireside Chat£10536 To 434582-09b Fireside Chat£10536 To 434582-09a Frosty Friend£11936 To 434136-84a Holly Jolly £129 36 To 434331b Holly Jolly£12936 To 434331a Pretty Perennial£9936 To 434330-11a Pretty Perennial£9936 To 434330-11b Reindeer Games£11936 To 434136-85a Shooting Star£12536 To 434135-48a Shooting Star£12536 To 434135-48b Yule Love This£10936 To 464329-71a Yule Love This£10936 To 464329-71b Xmas Delivery Tights £26.99 ictights04k Rad Reindeer Tights £26.99 ictights04j Rad Reindeer Socks £11.99 icsock01at Tweet