Erstwilder x Pete Cromer Collection – Launch Guide

Another Erstwilder release so of course here comes another one of my guides to the launch for my three followers (I love you, all three of you <3 ). This time it’s a double release of sorts, both Pete Cromer (an amazing Australian Artist who Erstwilder collectors go crazy over) but we have a classic Christmas and an Austrian Christmas, in two different coloured collection edition boxes.

What’s Being Released?

In the Classic Christmas collection we have nine broaches, two cardigan clips and two sets of earrings and four classic earrings. No necklace sadly.

There is two necklaces is in Australian Christmas collection, eight brooches, a mini brooch, two sets of earrings and six classic earrings.

You can watch a video of the entire launch on Erstwilder’s facebook page but there’s a few screenshots below if you scroll on down.

Do they sell out?

Some things always go very very quickly (especially during lockdown craziness) but given the popularity of Pete Cromer amongst Erstwilder collection I’d expect everything to go VERY fast. Like faster than Care Bears fast if that’s even possible. Choose you’re favourite now, get in order it and pray. Dithering or trying to order multiple items may mean that you end up with nothing (which happened to me during the Woodlands launch).

Do not pass go, do not breath. Well breath, don’t die, but you know, move as quickly as humanly possible. Use the list of stockist times below and be logged in to any accounts and papal where ever possible. I’m already terrified that I’ll miss out again but let’s be nice to the stockists, it’s stressful for them too x

Where and when

The range officially launches at 12:30PM (AEST) Tuesday 17th November but UK stockists have a range of launch times. Another very very late night or very early morning for us all.

Please note, some stores are experimenting with different launch times to usual so have a look below.

Tuesday 17th Noember


Acrylic Annie

Carnation Retro

Daisy Parks

Kitty Kat

Out Of The Blue

Piccadilly Lilly

Rosie Sorrell

Thunder Egg


Cherry Picked Retro


Rockamilly – They’ve also done a release guide (*for 10% discount scroll to the bottom)


Lottie & Lu

*If you’re a new Rockamilly customer and you’d like 10% discount on your order you can use this code –  REBEL27

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